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Valve interlocks are used to safeguard safe boiler blow down procedures

Accident prevention

Sofis contributes to Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) assessments, by providing safety systems, system analysis and safety data. This includes root cause analysis, consultation on corrective and preventive action planning, and asset integrity certification.

External audits

Sofis systems, solutions and supportive programs are widely employed in compliance strategies, they form an essential component of process safety.

Preventing accidents saves lives and costs

High risk hazards such as overheating, over-pressure, process misalignment or human error, can cause severe safety breaches. Eventually, these can even lead to fire and explosion. Despite having regulations, systems and operating practices in place to prevent such catastrophes, they can still occur. Our systems, solutions and programs help you pursue ‘goal zero’, to protect assets and the environment.

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Smith interlocks installed on manual multi turn valves
Valve interlocks avoid human error

Ensure compliance with regulations

Refineries and chemical plants are tightly regulated places. Plant practices, warnings, and emergency procedures must be observed at all times. Constant monitoring is required. Safeguards include safety systems, specific procedures, and permit systems for any kind of potentially dangerous work. These requirements must be understood and followed by all workers. Sofis helps you ensure compliance with the law and achieve continuous performance improvement in all ‘life cycle stages’.

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Health and safety in valve operations – Human Factors Engineering (HFE)

Major global operating companies are progressively adopting the human factors engineering (HFE) discipline to ensure quality, safety, and fit-for-purpose equipment and facilities. Human factors are all those considerations that enhance or improve human performance in the workplace and negate the possibility of human error. HFE is the design of work processes and systems to ensure the safety and efficiency of workers by taking into account human capabilities, limitations, and requirements.

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